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El fonómeno del AM
EL FENÓMENO DEL AM (PDF). La búsqueda de alternativas complementarias, como la ingestión de agua de mar (AM) se explica en parte por la crisis en los servicios de atención en salud, que no resuelven integralmente los problemas, ni tienen la
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Control microbiano de agua de mar mediante microfiltración
Control microbiano (PDF). El agua de mar refinada aparece en la literatura científica reciente como una potencial ayuda terapéutica en el tratamiento de varias enfermedades en humanos y animales por su contenido de minerales y oligoelementos. En
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Ingesta y lavado nasal con agua de mar para el tratamiento de la rinitis alérgica en niños (Avance de investigación)
Avance investigacion - Rinitis y agua de mar (pdf) La rinitis alérgica (RA) y las infecciones del tracto respiratorio superior están entre las enfermedades más frecuentes en la población general; y aunque no son graves, afectan a la sociedad en
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Ausencia de toxicidad por ingesta de agua de mar natural en pacientes con gastritis
Ausencia de toxicidad por ingesta de AM (PDF). Grupos de personas en algunos países iberoamericanos ingirieren agua de mar natural como agua mineromedicinal. El propósito de este estudio es evaluar la posible toxicidad por ingesta de agua de mar
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Baja genotoxicidad de extracto orgánico de agua de mar de Coveñas (Sucre, Colombia)
Baja toxicidad (PDF) El agua de mar natural se utiliza en algunos países iberoamericanos como elemento nutritivo y terapéutico, y en los países desarrollados se usa como complemento nutricional de forma refinada y comercial. Los estudios de
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Ausencia de genotoxicidad del agua de mar de Coveñas: estudio in vitro en eritrocitos y leucocitos humanos
Ausencia de genotoxicidad del agua de mar de Coveñas (PDF) En Colombia y América latina se ha iniciado recientemente el uso nutricional y terapéutico del agua de mar natural, por su contenido de minerales y oligoelementos, práctica ya reconocida
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The manzanar project: Towards a solution to poverty, hunger, environmental pollution, and global warming through sea water aquaculture and silviculture in deserts
Agricultura (PDF). Dr. Gordon Sato is a former Editor-in-Chief of In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology, President of the Tissue Culture Association (now Society for In Vitro Biology), and Director of the W. Alton Jones Cell Science Center
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Reduction of Allergic Skin Responses and Serum Allergen-Specific IgE and IgE-Inducing Cytokines by Drinking Deep-Sea Water in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis
Agua de mar y renitis alérgica (pdf) Deep-sea water intake reduces allergic skin responses and serum levels of total IgE, Japanese cedar pollen-specific IgE, interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, IL-13, and IL-18 in patients with allergic rhinitis, while
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Difference between Deep Seawater and Surface Seawater in the Preventive Effect of Atherosclerosis
Aterosclerosis (PDF). Using surface and deep seawater collected in the sea area of Muroto Cape (Kochi, Japan), desalinated drinking samples of about 1200 hardness were prepared and examined for the effects on the prevention of atherosclerosis in
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Effects of Hot Deep Seawater Bathing on the Immune Cell Distribution in Peripheral Blood from Healthy Young Men
Baño de agua de mar caliente y sistema inmune (pdf) Objectives: Deep seawater (DSW) utilization technology has been developed for the fields of medicine and health, among others. To clarify the health effects of DSW as compared with surface
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Deep-Sea Water Suction Techno
Bombeo de deep seawater (PDF). In the area of deep-sea water suction technology, Furukawa Electric has built an excellent  track record of laying eleven deep-sea water suction pipes in seven locations since its first domestic laying in Muroto
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Effect of drinking saline water and feed shortage on adaptive responses of sheep and camels
Camellos (PDF). This study investigated the effect of saline load and inadequate feed intake on some of the adaptive physiological responses in female sheep and camels, raised under semi-arid conditions. The experiment comprised five consecutive
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Deep-Sea Water Improves Cardiovascular Hemodynamics in Kurosawa and Kusanagi-Hypercholesterolemic (KHC) Rabbits
Conejos cardiovascular (PDF). Deep-sea water is rich in minerals, e.g., Mg, Ca, and K which have been considered to be associated with prevention of cardiovascular disease. We investigated the effect of deep-sea water on cardiovascular
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Detection, characterization and dynamics of dissolved organic ligands in oceanic waters
Elementos complejos orgánicos (pdf) Dissolved organic matter in oceanic waters was investigated in terms ofthe interaction with copper. Three classes of organic ligands, namely, L1, L2 and LN that were concentrated by repeated rounds
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Chemical Speciation of Trace Metals in Seawater: a Review
Elementos traza (PDF). The recent development of the chemical speciation of trace metals in seawater is described. The speciation studies reveal that metal ion complexation is one of the most important processes in seawater; especially, most
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Severe Hypernatremia From Sea Water Ingestion During Near-Drowning in a Hurricane
Hipernatremia por ingesta de agua de mar (PDF). Ingestion of seawater, whether voluntaryl or accidental, and its clinical sequelae have not been amply reported in the literature. Although seawater ingestion has been directly observed in animal
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The Influence of Diluted Seawater and Ripening Stage on the Content of Antioxidants in Fruits of Different Tomato Genotypes
Agua de mar y Tomate (PDF). The aim of this study was to investigate if the combined effect of diluted seawater and ripening can improve the beneficial nutritional properties of tomato fruits from an antioxidant point of view. To reach the goal,
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Pharmacological Activity of Deep-Sea Water: Examination of Hyperlipemia Prevention and Medical Treatment Effect
Lípidos (PDF) When normal rabbits were administered various samples of deep-sea water, their biochemical values changed within normal limits, and no differences from distilled water administration (control) group levels were observed.
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Metabolic effects in rats drinking increasing concentrations of sea-water
Metabolic effects in rats drinking (PDF). 1. Research on laboratory rats confirmed that drinking sea-water when dehydrated, was not beneficial and caused impaired renal function. 2. When the concentration of sea-water in the drinking water is
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Microbial diversity in the deep sea and the underexplored ‘‘rare biosphere’’
Microbios (PDF). The evolution of marine microbes over billions of years predicts that the composition of microbial communities should be much greater than the published estimates of a few thousand distinct kinds of microbes per liter of
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Physiomer® reduces the chemokine interleukin-;8 production by activated human respiratory epithelial cells
Physiomer e IL8 (PDF). The authors have recently shown that the transcription factor nuclear factor-B (NF-B) is a central mediator in the NaCl-mediated interleukin (IL)-;8 production by human airway epithelial cells. In this study, it was
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Efficacy of Isotonic Nasal Wash (Seawater) in the Treatment and Prevention of Rhinitis in Children
Physiomer-CT Lavado nasal 200 (PDF) Objective: To evaluate the potential of nasal isotonic saline application to prevent reappearance of cold and flu in children during the winter. Design: Prospective, multicenter, parallel-group, open, and
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Anti-obesity and Antidiabetic Effects of Deep Sea Water on ob/ob Mice
Ratones obesos (PDF). Recently, deep sea water (DSW) has started to receive much attention for therapeutic intervention in some lifestyle diseases. In this study, the anti-obesity and antidiabetic effects of DSW in ob/ob mice were investigated.
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Management of post-ethmoidectomy crust formation: Randomized single-blind clinical trial comparing pressurized seawater versus antiseptic/mucolytic saline
Rhinology-AM nasal (PDF). This study compared the efficacy of mechanical nasal lavages with pressurized seawater versus nasal irrigations with saline plus benzododecinium (antiseptic) plus oleosorbate (mucolytic). Twenty patients agreed to
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An Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Survival of Escherichia coli in Sea Water
Sobrevivencia de E Coli en AM (PDF). D'Hérelle (1926) suggested that bacteriophages contribute to the self-purification process in natural waters, but ZoBell (1946) reported that they occurred sporadically and only in the littoral zone and
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Improvement of skin symptoms and mineral imbalance by drinking deep sea water in patients with atopic Eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS)
Toma agua de mar Japón-artículo (pdf) Deep sea water intake improves skin symptoms and mineral imbalance and decreases serum IgE levels mad IgEinducing cytokines, IL-4, IL-13 and IL-18 in patients with atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS),
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The application of deep sea water in Japan
Usos de agua de mar profunda en Japón (pdf) Deep sea water (from a depth of more than 200 m) has cold temperature, abundant nutrients, and good water quality that is pathogen-free and stable. Basic research on the utilization of this water for
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Effects of Desalted Deep Seawater on Hematologic and Blood Chemical Values in Mice
Variables hematológicas en ratones (pdf)  Various processed foods and beverages have been manufactured using deep seawater (DSW), desalted DSW (dDSW), and concentrated DSW in Japan. To confirm the safety of dDSW, we investigated hematologic and
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